Monday, January 20, 2020

"Happiness is not a goal: it is the byproduct of a life well lived." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

Happiness. That tricksy emotion that it seems humanity is constantly searching for. It's lead me to a question recently that I feel burns for all of us: what makes for a happy life? Are there key ingredients that we can mix together in a tangy recipe to bake eternal bliss? If Eleanor is right and it's the byproduct of the lives we choose to lead, then may I please get some bullet points on what "well lived" encompasses please?

I've been on a quest for years now trying to figure out the formula to a well lived life. However, last week, everything changed; an epiphany if you will. I'd just finished listening to the audio book for The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. It's a interesting look into why we do what we do and how habits form our lives in insidious ways that never even cross our conscious minds. I always love a good dive into psychology.
Duhigg speaks about a man named William James who did a year long experiment where he decided he would believe in change and his ability to enact change. He determined that habits were what "allows us to do something with difficulty the first time, but soon do it more and more easily". He became an active participant in his life and sought to change the things that weren't serving him anymore.
It seems so easy. So straightforward. Make the decision and make your life happier.

Enter, the research: what are the habits of a happy person? Since this is a topic that everyone can relate to, there is a lot of information out there. There are books, articles, blogs (like this!), and more. A treasure trove for those of us actively wanting to better our lives and find true happiness or at least something really close. I'll settle for close.

I've decided to put my research to the test. Each week, I'm going to select one of the identified habits that happy people practice and I'm going to fold it into my routine. I'm going to apply it to my life with intention and report back here on my verdict. Do I feel happier? What do I notice as I try to change my habits? Join me if you'd like! You know what they say: happiness loves company :)
Okay.... that's not the saying, but it should be.

And away....we....go!

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