Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Habit 3: Happy People Get Exercise

"Exercise may very well be the most effective instant happiness booster of all activities."
 - Sonja Lyumbomirsky

There really is nothing like exercise to clear the head and relieve stress. Trouble for me, as with a lot of people I'm sure, is simple: time. 

There's only so many hours in the day. While I know that I should prioritize exercise at some point throughout the day, so many other things always bump it off of the schedule. Time with my kids, my husband, my friends, work, chores all take priority. 

What I think it comes down to is making the time to exercise feels like a selfish act. I'm guilty of not regularly putting my needs on the To-Do List; responsibilities and everyone else's needs come first.  We've all heard the analogy of the oxygen masks on airplanes, right? You are supposed to put your mask on first before assisting other passengers. If you don't take that first step, you'll be useless for anyone else. 

This week I'm going to try to make exercise a priority. I'm going to put on that oxygen mask and take some deep breaths. I think everyone can survive without me for 30-minutes :)     

1 comment:

  1. Is that you in the pic? Yes...everyone will survive if they have to wait 30 minutes for you. ;-)
